Booking form can be found in every POMEN Smart Workshop‘s account. Dont have POMEN Smart Workshop‘s account? Get one here and enjoy 14 days free trial. Step 1: Login to your POMEN Smart Workshop’s account. Step 2: Click on ‘booking’ under ‘manage’ button. Step 3: Start add booking by clicking ‘+booking’ button. Step 4: Insert your customer’s detail and car information. In this booking form, you may insert your customer’s booking details depending on how your customer book for their services. In ‘booking source’, you can select whether they book by call, send you whatsapp message, booking via website or they walk in to your workshop themselves. In ‘appointment method’ section, you can choose an options such as ‘pick up/drop’, ‘on-site service’ or ‘drive in’ depending on your customer’s situation. Finally, click ‘send email’ and your customer’s booking form will be send to their email. Their booking form will be look like this: Another Method To Make A Customer Booking. There’s an additional method to book a customer appointment at POMEN Smart Workshop. You can also make a booking through the ‘calender’ tools under the ‘manage’ button. Next, click on the date to schedule your customer booking for upcoming day, week or months. After that, repeat Step 2. This method is much easier as you can monitor upcoming services on certain date. After make a customer booking, you can proceed to do a work order. See how to make a work order here. Still hesitate to get POMEN Smart Workshop? Hesitate no more! Get free demo now!

In today’s fast-paced automotive industry, efficiency and productivity are paramount. For workshop owners and mechanics, managing work orders effectively can make all the difference in delivering exceptional service and maximizing customer satisfaction. This is where POMEN Smart Workshop‘s work order tools come into play. In this guide, we will take you through a step-by-step journey, exploring the key features and functionalities of POMEN Smart Workshop‘s Work Order Tools, enabling you to harness their full potential and take your workshop’s efficiency to new heights. Step 1 : Login to your POMEN Smart Workshop account. If you dont have one, you can get one here. Dont know how to get a free POMEN Smart Workshop‘s account? Check here. Step 2 : Click on ‘work order’ under ‘manage’ button. Step 3 : Start creating work order by clicking ‘+ work order’ button. Step 4 : Insert customer’s basic information. After inserting the customer’s information, check on ‘send email’ box to send digital quotation to customer’s email later. Step 5 : Insert package and part. Insert the package and part that you will provide for your customer. You can create these packages and part in the parts management and package management tools. Step 6 : Select Service and Details. Once you insert the service that you will provide to your customers, the price will appear. In the details section, you can assign your mechanic to a specific bay. Lastly, insert booking date and time and type of service(s). Step 7 : Start To Quote. The total amount will appear on summary section. Click on ‘save’ to start to quote. Next click on ‘quote’ button to start quote and the quotation will be send to customer’s email. And finally, the digital work order will be send to your customer’s email. The digital work order will be look like this: And finally the digital work order for your customer has been succesfully created! Easy right? Still thinking to get POMEN Smart Workshop? Dont wait any longer, transform your workshop now!

Perasan tak, stok di bengkel anda selalu habis? Belum sempat order spare part baru, barang dalam inventori semua licin. Memang seronok bila ramai customer datang tapi kalau barang selalu habis, customer pun lari ke bengkel lain. Jadi kenapa stok selalu habis ya? Bila tengok inventori dalam AutoCount nampak macam masih penuh tapi rupa-rupanya stor dah kosong. Ini antara sebab stok bengkel anda selalu habis tanpa anda sedar; Sebab tu bengkel kereta anda perlukan sistem pengurusan inventori yang efektif supaya anda sentiasa ada laporan inventori yang terkini. Susah nak cari masa untuk urus stok anda? Ada cara yang mudah untuk pastikan stok anda sentiasa up to date: gunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel! Apa itu Sistem Pengurusan Bengkel? Sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta atau Workshop Management System (WMS) seperti POMEN Smart Workshop adalah sejenis perisian yang digunakan untuk menguruskan kegiatan harian sebuah bengkel kereta. Sistem ini menyediakan pelbagai fungsi penting untuk pemilik bengkel kereta seperti anda dalam menjadual & menyimpan work order, mengira rekod kewangan harian serta menyediakan laporan yang tepat mengenai segala kegiatan bengkel. Sistem pengurusan bengkel juga memudahkan urusan harian setiap pemilik bengkel dalam memantau dan menguruskan kegiatan harian. Jika anda mempunyai masalah dalam menguruskan inventori di bengkel kereta anda, sistem pengurusan bengkel boleh membantu dengan cara berikut: Dengan menggunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel seperti POMEN Smart Workshop, bengkel kereta boleh memastikan inventori selalu dalam tahap yang baik dan mempermudahkan proses pembelian stok barangan. Software pengurusan bengkel yang efektif juga boleh membantu dalam mengurangkan kos operasi bengkel. Cuba POMEN Smart Workshop Secara PERCUMA Daftar di sini untuk cuba sendiri workshop management system POMEN Smart Workshop! Selain dari stok & inventori, POMEN Smart Workshop juga mempunyai banyak kelebihan lain untuk pemilik bengkel kereta. Sistem ini menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan untuk membantu urusan harian anda sebagai pemilik bengkel. Memudahkan penjadualan: POMEN Smart Workshop boleh membantu pemilik bengkel menjadualkan kerja-kerja pembaikan dan servis dengan lebih cekap, mengelakkan sebarang kekeliruan atau kelewatan. Meningkatkan tahap efisien: Dengan menggunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta POMEN Smart Workshop, proses pembaikan dan servis kereta boleh dilakukan dengan lebih cekap, mengurangkan masa yang diambil untuk menyiapkan setiap kerja. Mengurangkan kesilapan & kecuaian: POMEN Smart Workshop boleh membantu mengurangkan kemungkinan kesilapan semasa melakukan kerja pembaikan dan servis kereta, yang boleh menyebabkan kekecewaan pelanggan dan kerugian kewangan. POMEN Smart Workshop menyediakan laporan yang tepat: Sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta kami boleh memberikan laporan yang tepat mengenai keputusan kerja pembaikan dan servis kereta, termasuk kos yang terlibat dan masa yang diambil. Memudahkan komunikasi: POMEN Smart Workshop boleh memudahkan komunikasi antara pemilik bengkel, staf, dan pelanggan, menyediakan platform yang mudah untuk bertukar maklumat dan mengelakkan sebarang kekeliruan. Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan: Dengan menggunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta POMEN Smart Workshop, pemilik bengkel boleh meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan yang lebih cekap dan tepat pada masanya. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk cuba sendiri workshop management system POMEN Smart Workshop!

Masalah work order yang tidak teratur boleh menjejaskan operasi bengkel kereta anda. Ini boleh menyebabkan kelewatan dalam penyelesaian tugasan, kehilangan dokumen penting dan kadang-kadang kesilapan dalam membuat pengiraan komisen di hujung bulan. Sebagai pemilik bengkel kereta, anda pasti kusut dengan masalah work order yang kucar-kacir. Jadi bagaimana anda boleh mengatasi semua masalah ini? Mari kita lihat penyelesaian mudah yang boleh anda lakukan dengan segera. Menetapkan Tanggungjawab yang Jelas Bagi Setiap Staf Tentukan tanggungjawab setiap staf untuk memastikan bahawa setiap tugas diterima dan dilaksanakan dengan tepat. Prosedur yang jelas untuk mengeluarkan, menerima, dan menyelesaikan work order, termasuk siapa yang bertanggungjawab untuk menyemak dan mengesahkan tugas yang telah selesai boleh mengurangkan kekeliruan. Ini boleh membantu mengelakkan kesilapan dan memastikan bahawa semua tugas dilaksanakan tepat pada masanya. Penggunaan perisian atau aplikasi untuk mengatur dan menjejak work order juga boleh membantu mengelakkan kesilapan dan memastikan bahawa semua tugas dilaksanakan tepat pada masanya. Menyimpan Salinan Setiap Work Order Menyimpan salinan setiap work order adalah penting untuk memastikan bahawa semua maklumat mengenai tugas yang dilakukan dan perkembangan tugas disimpan dengan baik dan mudah dicapai. Cara mudah untuk menyimpan salinan work order adalah dengan menggunakan dokumen bercetak atau fail elektronik, seperti fail Microsoft Word atau Excel. Anda juga boleh menggunakan perisian atau aplikasi khusus untuk menyimpan dan menjejak work order. Penting untuk memastikan bahawa salinan setiap work order disimpan dengan rapi dan dapat diambil dengan mudah pada bila-bila masa. Ini akan membantu dalam memantau prestasi dan melakukan penambahbaikan berterusan pada sistem work order. Mengatur Work Order Menggunakan Sistem Pengurusan Bengkel Penggunaan sistem pengurusan bengkel seperti POMEN Smart Workshop adalah langkah paling mudah untuk mengatur work order dalam bengkel kereta anda. POMEN Smart Workshop adalah suatu sistem yang membantu bengkel kereta anda dalam mengatur, mengawasi, dan mengendalikan work order anda dengan lebih baik. Sistem ini membolehkan bengkel untuk: Dengan menggunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel seperti POMEN Smart Workshop, bengkel kereta anda dapat meningkatkan produktiviti dan efisyen kerja, mengurangkan kelewatan dan kesilapan, dan memastikan bahawa semua tugas dilaksanakan dengan baik. Apa itu Sistem Pengurusan Bengkel? Sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta atau Workshop Management System (WMS) seperti POMEN Smart Workshop adalah sejenis perisian yang digunakan untuk menguruskan kegiatan bengkel kereta. Sistem ini biasanya menyediakan pelbagai fungsi yang membantu pemilik bengkel menjadualkan kerja-kerja pembaikan dan servis kereta, mengurus kewangan bengkel, dan menyediakan laporan yang tepat mengenai kegiatan bengkel. Sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta juga boleh membantu meningkatkan tahap efisien bengkel dengan memudahkan pemilik bengkel untuk memantau dan menguruskan kegiatan bengkel secara lebih cekap. Cuba POMEN Smart Workshop, PERCUMA Selain dari mengatur work order, POMEN Smart Workshop juga mempunyai banyak kelebihan lain untuk pemilik bengkel kereta.  Laporan jualan harian: POMEN Smart Workshop mempunyai dashboard yang menyediakan maklumat penting dan statistik mengenai kegiatan bengkel kereta secara ringkas dan mudah difahami.  Meningkatkan tahap efisien: Dengan menggunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta POMEN Smart Workshop, proses pembaikan dan servis kereta boleh dilakukan dengan lebih cekap, mengurangkan masa yang diambil untuk menyiapkan setiap kerja. Mengurangkan kesilapan & terlepas pandang: POMEN Smart Workshop boleh membantu mengurangkan kemungkinan kesilapan semasa melakukan kerja pembaikan dan servis kereta, yang boleh menyebabkan kekecewaan pelanggan dan kerugian kewangan. POMEN Smart Workshop menyediakan laporan yang tepat: Sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta kami boleh memberikan laporan yang tepat mengenai keputusan kerja pembaikan dan servis kereta, termasuk kos yang terlibat dan masa yang diambil. Memudahkan komunikasi: POMEN Smart Workshop boleh memudahkan komunikasi antara pemilik bengkel, staf, dan pelanggan, menyediakan platform yang mudah untuk bertukar maklumat dan mengelakkan sebarang kekeliruan. Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan: Dengan menggunakan sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta POMEN Smart Workshop, pemilik bengkel boleh meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan yang lebih cekap dan tepat pada masanya. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk cuba sendiri POMEN Smart Workshop!

The auto repair industry is expeditiously changing, repairing vehicles nowadays has become high-tech occupation with technicians using a laptop, computer or a handheld device are a common sight during the repair or services. In this ever changing landscape, workshop owners are fighting to simplified their daily operational activities and in understanding the diverse nature of the auto repair industry. That’s where workshop owners looks for automotive software that organize their daily tasks, increases employee efficiency and customer experience within garage at the same time. Advantages Of Worksop Software For Mechanics And Technicians 1. Time Saving Service advisors and technicians in a busy workshop have a lot to deal with throughout the day juggling answering call enquiries while dealing with customers waiting become a struggle resulting in reduction of efficiency and delaying the process. To save time on on these time-consuming tasks, workshops can use technology to improve efficiency by using built in message function like email, text along with In-App notifications that are delivered instantly to the customer. 2. Controlled Access As a workshop manager or business owner, you want to secure that sufficient access level is assigned to each employee. Having the capacity to control access to a specific function of the software is a benefit as the employee will only see and be able to perform functions specific to their role, this eliminate possible visual distractions and keeps the employee fully foucsed. Smart workshop software allows you to configure the access levels based on specific roles. Magnetize Skilled Mechanics The industry market is highly competitive with a shortage of qualified techs out there today, you really want to secure you maintain the good ones and be able to attract new techs. The new generation of technicians are heavily invested into technology for them, it’s just the way of life so they have a certain expectation when entering the job market place. Newly qualified or younger technicians would properly not view or choose a shop where they have to rearrange through piles of paperworks to find a job card, service history, or customer details. A smart auto garage business owner that invests in the latest automotive workshop management software stands out from the crowd due to the technology stack that delivers modern digital tools for it staff. Provide Better Customer Service The workshop industry believe in customer-first trade. Roughly 70 to 75 percent of customers of an auto shop business are repeat visitors so it is important that you maintain good communication with them throughout the year. Good auto shop software provide features focusing on customer communication / marketing channels like emails, text message and in-app notifications to remind customers of upcoming services, follow up on repair orders and send out campaigns for specials which are great ways to keep in touch and connected with existing customers. What Software That Fit The Mechanics ? Some workshop owner use numerous software modules in isolation for their daily operations such as electronics invoices, repair orders, customer management, appointment booking and inventory management, sales and much more. This is itself presents in efficient use of time and energy causing unwanted stress and pressure due to an overload of multi-tasking. A better solution would be to simplified all these tasks into one platform with all the feature included. Pomen Smart Workshop is workshop that can provide accurate reports, customer management, appointment booking, CRM, invoices, inventory management and much more for you whenever you need them. Pomen Smart Workshop has a dashboard that provides important information and statistics about car workshop activities in a simple and easy-to-understand. This dashboard can provide accurate reports on the activities of the car workshop, including the number of customers served, records of car repair and service work, and the workshop’s finances. Try Pomen Smart Workshop. It’s FREE! Beside than total sales, POMEN Smart Workshop also has many other benefits for car workshop owners. Simplify scehduling : POMEN Smart Workshop can assist workshop owners schedule repair and maintaining progress more efficiently, avoiding any confusion or delays. Increase the level of efficiency : By using POMEN Smart Woshop, the vehicles repair and service process can be done more efficiently, reducing the time it takes to complete each job. Reduce errors and oversights : POMEN Smart Workshop can help reduce the possibility of mistakes when doing car repair and service work, which can cause customer frustation and financial loss. POMEN Smart Workshop provides accurate reports : Our workshop management system can provide accurate reports on the results of car repair and service work, including cost involved and time taken. Facilitate Communication: POMEN Smart Workshop can facilitate communication between workshop owners, staff, and customers, providing an easy platform to exchange information and avoid any confusion. Improve customer satisfication: By using POMEN Smart Workshop, workshop owner can improve customer satisfication by providing more efficient and timely service. Don’t miss out the opportunity to try POMEN Smart Workshop!

As the economy brawl, things get tough and even a little risky, there is no doubt that you have seen this in your shop. This is tricky in the sense that people tend to neglect and sometimes go without their vehicle maintenance or repair, which leads to slower days and at a times even longer periods such as weeks or months. Here are few tips on how to manage your existing customer and how to attract new customers. Create Your Own Brand And Market It Your workshop is your brand! Your brand reflects familiarity, dependability and trust to name a few, so once your brand is established then you must promote it using all channels and techniques. Digital brand marketing is your online existence which creates an image of your business giving you the reliability to participate for and attract new customers along with retaining your existing customers. Word of mouth refferals are the most effective and direct marketing leads you will ever receive but this only achieved by having a strong well established brand. Connect To Your Loyal Customers You may have experienced a slow down period at one point or another with booking numbers below average? This is more likely a really good time to reach out to your existing customers and drum up some business, the message could be instructional such as tips on maintaining your vehicle or sales related by offering a special service or repair, you may even want to incentivise them by offering a discount. Be Active On Social Media In the environment of social media your brand need to maintain its digital identitiy which can promote your growth alongside your website. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide strong occasion for posts that can generate interest which can lead to online bookings. Your post should be scheduled frequently so your audience becomes familiar and begins to follow you, your posts should include link to blog, notifications and specials providing a call to action. Manage Your Workshop Well With POMEN Smart Workshop Software If your workflow becomes static, your growth of the company may become static too. Dont become static, try POMEN Smart Workshop software which reduce workflow and workload processes. It give an easy online portal for consumers to remain updated and in contact along with an online appointment booking mobile app hourly. This software lead the company on an external basis and builds a solid structure within the company itself. Scheduling shifts, maintaining invoices, calculating due payments, and setting up the inventory are some tasks that can be easily fullfill within the software. Are you ready for POMEN Smart Workshop? Try it now. It’s FREE !